May 27, 2013
官网: Digital Ocean
You will still be charged for the virtual server even if its in an off state, because the hypervisor continues to reserve your share of CPU, RAM and disk, as well as the IP for your virtual server.
If you would like to discontinue using a virtual server but save it for later use, we recommend taking a snapshot of the server and then destroying it.
March 26, 2013
可选OS : CentOS, debian, ubuntu
内存 : 512M(保证) ~ 1G(最大)
硬盘 : 20G
流量限制 : 无
IP地址 : IPv4 x 1 + IPv6 x 1
root权限 : 有
SSH console : 有
管理界面 : 有
IPV4 ping 78ms
ping result
C:\Users>ping 36.54.x.x
Pinging 36.54.x.x with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 36.54.x.x: bytes=32 time=76ms TTL=47
Reply from 36.54.x.x: bytes=32 time=111ms TTL=47
Reply from 36.54.x.x: bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=47
Reply from 36.54.x.x: bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=47
Ping statistics for 36.54.x.x:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 56ms, Maximum = 111ms, Average = 78ms
IPV6 ping 158ms
ping result