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ChatGPT 发布接近一年了,今天刚好看到一篇很认同的文章,关于如何看待 chatGPT。 TLDR版本:它没有关于这个世界的基本模型,擅长的是给出听起来很像的答案,这与真正的答案是不同的。 当然这已经很有用了,但是距离 AGI 的目标还早得很。

以下是译文,采用 GPT 3.5 翻译,略作修改和注释,原文链接 https://xorvoid.com/chatgpt_a_mental_model.html .







  • 在1990年代,我们终于找到了“约柜”(装有十诫石板的柜子,宗教圣物),它被称为“Java面向对象编程”。我们打算重新编写一切,甚至包括操作系统。而今天的Linux是…哦等等…它仍然是C语言。
  • 在20世纪90年代末和21世纪初,我们都明白互联网是如此革命性,以至于公司做什么变得次要,重要的是他们是否在线上运营。纳斯达克指数完全没有崩盘,也没有花费15年才恢复到相同的价格水平。
  • 2008年大衰退之后,中本聪完全取代了建立在不可靠的人类互信基础上的世界金融系统。随着“信任”不再对任何事情有要求,比特币开启了一个新时代的计算机化货币、繁荣和自由。金融部门的不稳定不再存在。黑市在现在数字化的世界中完全无法运作。所有人都欢欣鼓舞。不幸的是,仍然存在许多毫无价值的过时法定货币纸张,因此,作为对世界的服务,本作者开始了一个慈善收集服务(给我发电子邮件)。
  • 2022年,准确无误的五年预测实现后,美国交通部禁止手动驾驶汽车,称“显然,5级自动驾驶远远优于人类驾驶员,今天是公共安全的里程碑。” Argo AI的股票在市场开盘时翻了三倍。但是,出于某种原因,我似乎无法访问argo.ai网站… 嗯嗯…
  • 2023年:ChatGPT将世界变成一个巨大的回形针工厂,在此过程中杀死了所有人类。人类安息。

下一个Buzzword Bingo游戏的荣誉提名:一切都是大数据,一切都是微服务,一切都是敏捷,一切都是面向服务的架构,一切都应该是JavaScript,一切都可以无代码完成,一切都应该在云端,一切都应该在本地,一切都可以用机器学习和数据科学建模,…


左侧进入舞台: 罗德尼·布鲁克斯🔗

最近,IEEE Spectrum刊登了一篇采访罗德尼·布鲁克斯(被认为是机器人学家)的文章,标题为《别再对GPT-4感到不安了》。在文章中,罗德尼·布鲁克斯提出了一个观点,我从一开始就有这种感觉,只是一直没有找到正确的词语来表达。




































使用 chatGPT 编写自动添加 beancount balance 断言语句

我使用 beancount 记账流程中的有一步是这样的,将每张信用卡的账单日添加到滴答清单中,每月重复。 每当到达账单日时,提醒我在 beancount 文件中添加一条对应帐目的 balance 断言语句,由于大部分信用卡 的出账是有滞后的,所以该balance断言通常需要同时加上!标记,便于后续账单出来后修改。

这个过程是比较机械的,所以我想到了使用 chatGPT 来自动化这个过程,这样我只需要在出账后手动更新自动添加 的断言语句,将金额修改为正确的还款金额,同时去除!标记。最终的脚本如下。

import datetime

def add_balance_statement(ledger_path, account, date, balance, currency):
    with open(ledger_path, 'a') as file:
        file.write(f"{date} balance {account} {balance} {currency}\n")

def auto_add_balance_statements(ledger_path, credit_cards):
    today = datetime.date.today()
    for card in credit_cards:
        bill_date = card['bill_date']
        accounts = card['accounts']
        balance = card['balance']
        currency = card['currency']
        if today.day == bill_date:
            for account in accounts:
                add_balance_statement(ledger_path, account, today, balance, currency)
                print(f"Balance statement added for {account} on {today}.")

# Specify the path to your Beancount ledger file
ledger_file_path = "<ledger_path>"

# Specify your credit card details (bill date, accounts, balance, and currency)
credit_cards = [
        'bill_date': 1,  # Example: 1st of the month
        'accounts': [
            {'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card1:Account1', 'currency': 'USD'},  # Example: Account1 for Card1 with USD currency
            {'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card1:Account2', 'currency': 'EUR'},  # Example: Account2 for Card1 with EUR currency
        'balance': 1000.00,  # Example: Current balance for Card1
        'currency': 'USD'  # Example: Currency for Card1
        'bill_date': 15,  # Example: 15th of the month
        'accounts': [
            {'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card2:Account1', 'currency': 'USD'},  # Example: Account1 for Card2 with USD currency
            {'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card2:Account2', 'currency': 'GBP'},  # Example: Account2 for Card2 with GBP currency
        'balance': 2000.00,  # Example: Current balance for Card2
        'currency': 'USD'  # Example: Currency for Card2
    # Add more credit card details as needed

# Call the function to automatically add balance statements
auto_add_balance_statements(ledger_file_path, credit_cards)

对于有兴趣的读者,可以看我和 chatgpt 的几轮对话。

Q: Write a python script, it check today’s date, if it match a specific day in a month, writing some content to a file, whois path is <path>.

A: Certainly! Here’s a Python script that checks if today’s date matches a specific day in a month and writes some content to a file:

import datetime

def write_content_to_file(path, content):
    with open(path, 'a') as file:
        file.write(content + '\n')

def check_and_write_content(path, day, month, content):
    today = datetime.date.today()
    if today.day == day and today.month == month:
        write_content_to_file(path, content)
        print("Content written to the file.")
        print("Today's date does not match the specified day.")

# Specify the path, day, month, and content
file_path = "<path>"
day = 15
month = 7
content = "This is the content to be written."

# Call the function to check and write content
check_and_write_content(file_path, day, month, content)

In the script above, you need to replace "<path>" with the actual path to the file where you want to write the content. Also, specify the daymonth, and content variables according to your requirements.

The script checks if today’s date matches the specified day and month. If it does, it calls the write_content_to_file function to append the content to the file. If the date doesn’t match, it prints a message indicating that today’s date doesn’t match the specified day.

Q:I have many credit cards, each card have different bill date. I want a python script can auto add a balance statement to my beancount ledger. please help me writing this script. A:Certainly! Here’s a Python script that can help you automatically add a balance statement to your Beancount ledger based on the bill dates of your credit cards:

import datetime

def add_balance_statement(ledger_path, account, date, balance):
    with open(ledger_path, 'a') as file:
        file.write(f"{date} balance {account} {balance}\n")

def auto_add_balance_statements(ledger_path, credit_cards):
    today = datetime.date.today()
    for card in credit_cards:
        bill_date = card['bill_date']
        account = card['account']
        balance = card['balance']
        if today.day == bill_date:
            add_balance_statement(ledger_path, account, today, balance)
            print(f"Balance statement added for {account} on {today}.")

# Specify the path to your Beancount ledger file
ledger_file_path = "<ledger_path>"

# Specify your credit card details (bill date, account, and balance)
credit_cards = [
        'bill_date': 1,  # Example: 1st of the month
        'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card1',  # Example: Account for Card1
        'balance': 1000.00  # Example: Current balance for Card1
        'bill_date': 15,  # Example: 15th of the month
        'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card2',  # Example: Account for Card2
        'balance': 2000.00  # Example: Current balance for Card2
    # Add more credit card details as needed

# Call the function to automatically add balance statements
auto_add_balance_statements(ledger_file_path, credit_cards)

In the script above, you need to replace "<ledger_path>" with the actual path to your Beancount ledger file. Also, specify the bill_dateaccount, and balance for each of your credit cards in the credit_cards list.

The script checks if today’s date matches the bill date for each credit card. If it does, it calls the add_balance_statement function to add a balance statement to the ledger file. The balance statement includes the account, date, and balance for the credit card. If the date doesn’t match the bill date for a particular credit card, it moves on to the next card.

Q:one bill_date can have multiple accounts, refine your code. A:Certainly! Here’s an updated version of the script that allows multiple accounts for a single bill date:

import datetime

def add_balance_statement(ledger_path, account, date, balance):
    with open(ledger_path, 'a') as file:
        file.write(f"{date} balance {account} {balance}\n")

def auto_add_balance_statements(ledger_path, credit_cards):
    today = datetime.date.today()
    for card in credit_cards:
        bill_date = card['bill_date']
        accounts = card['accounts']
        balance = card['balance']
        if today.day == bill_date:
            for account in accounts:
                add_balance_statement(ledger_path, account, today, balance)
                print(f"Balance statement added for {account} on {today}.")

# Specify the path to your Beancount ledger file
ledger_file_path = "<ledger_path>"

# Specify your credit card details (bill date, accounts, and balance)
credit_cards = [
        'bill_date': 1,  # Example: 1st of the month
        'accounts': [
            'Assets:CreditCards:Card1:Account1',  # Example: Account1 for Card1
            'Assets:CreditCards:Card1:Account2',  # Example: Account2 for Card1
        'balance': 1000.00  # Example: Current balance for Card1
        'bill_date': 15,  # Example: 15th of the month
        'accounts': [
            'Assets:CreditCards:Card2:Account1',  # Example: Account1 for Card2
            'Assets:CreditCards:Card2:Account2',  # Example: Account2 for Card2
        'balance': 2000.00  # Example: Current balance for Card2
    # Add more credit card details as needed

# Call the function to automatically add balance statements
auto_add_balance_statements(ledger_file_path, credit_cards)

In this updated version, each credit card in the credit_cards list has a bill_dateaccounts, and balance. The accounts field is a list of all the accounts associated with that credit card. The script iterates through each credit card and its associated accounts. If today’s date matches the bill date, it adds a balance statement for each account with the specified balance.

Please replace "<ledger_path>" with the actual path to your Beancount ledger file. Also, update the credit card details in the credit_cards list according to your specific accounts and balances.

Q:different accounts can have different currency, please add currency info to account. A:Certainly! Here’s an updated version of the script that includes currency information for each account:

import datetime

def add_balance_statement(ledger_path, account, date, balance, currency):
    with open(ledger_path, 'a') as file:
        file.write(f"{date} balance {account} {balance} {currency}\n")

def auto_add_balance_statements(ledger_path, credit_cards):
    today = datetime.date.today()
    for card in credit_cards:
        bill_date = card['bill_date']
        accounts = card['accounts']
        balance = card['balance']
        currency = card['currency']
        if today.day == bill_date:
            for account in accounts:
                add_balance_statement(ledger_path, account, today, balance, currency)
                print(f"Balance statement added for {account} on {today}.")

# Specify the path to your Beancount ledger file
ledger_file_path = "<ledger_path>"

# Specify your credit card details (bill date, accounts, balance, and currency)
credit_cards = [
        'bill_date': 1,  # Example: 1st of the month
        'accounts': [
            {'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card1:Account1', 'currency': 'USD'},  # Example: Account1 for Card1 with USD currency
            {'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card1:Account2', 'currency': 'EUR'},  # Example: Account2 for Card1 with EUR currency
        'balance': 1000.00,  # Example: Current balance for Card1
        'currency': 'USD'  # Example: Currency for Card1
        'bill_date': 15,  # Example: 15th of the month
        'accounts': [
            {'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card2:Account1', 'currency': 'USD'},  # Example: Account1 for Card2 with USD currency
            {'account': 'Assets:CreditCards:Card2:Account2', 'currency': 'GBP'},  # Example: Account2 for Card2 with GBP currency
        'balance': 2000.00,  # Example: Current balance for Card2
        'currency': 'USD'  # Example: Currency for Card2
    # Add more credit card details as needed

# Call the function to automatically add balance statements
auto_add_balance_statements(ledger_file_path, credit_cards)

In this updated version, each account in the accounts list of each credit card includes both the account name and the currency. The add_balance_statement function is modified to include the currency parameter when writing the balance statement to the ledger.

Please replace "<ledger_path>" with the actual path to your Beancount ledger file. Also, update the credit card details in the credit_cards list according to your specific accounts, balances, and currencies.