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- [[王垠]]书评 http://www.yinwang.org/blog-cn/2014/07/17/rest/
- 最近给我最大影响的是这本1988年出版的《The Design of Everyday Things》(简称DOET)。有趣的是,它的作者 Don Norman 曾经是 Apple Fellow,也是《The Unix-Haters Handbook》一书序言的作者。
- DOET 不但包含并且支持了我的博文《黑客文化的精髓》以及《程序语言与……》里的基本观点,而且提出了比《什么是“对用户友好”》更精辟可行的解决方案。
- 我觉得这应该是每个程序员必读的书籍。为什么每个程序员必读呢?因为虽然这本书是设计类专业的必读书籍,而计算机及其编程语言和工具,其实才是作者指出的缺乏设计思想的“重灾区”。看了它,你会发现很多所谓的“人为错误”,其实是工具的设计不合理造成的。一个设计良好的工具,应该只需要很少量的文档甚至不需要文档。这本书将提供给你改进一切事物的原则和灵感。你会恢复你的人性。
- 值得一提的是,虽然 Don Norman 曾经是 Apple Fellow,但我觉得 Apple 产品设计的人性化程度与 Norman 大叔的思维高度还是有一定的差距的。
- 如果你跟我一样不想用眼睛看书,可以到 Audible 买本有声书来听。
- https://twitter.com/thepericulum/status/1146928951257907200?s=20
- [[王垠]]书评 http://www.yinwang.org/blog-cn/2014/07/17/rest/
- Outline
- Preface to the Revised Edition
- 1 The Psychopathology of Everyday Things
- The Complexity of Modern Devices
- Human-Centered Design
- Fundamental Principles of Interaction
- The System Image
- The Paradox of Technology
- The Design Challenge
- 2 The Psychology of Everyday Actions
- How people Do Things: The Gulfs of Execution and Evaluation
- The Seven Stages of Action
- Human Thought: Mostly Subconscious
- Human Cognition and Emotion
- The Seven Stages of Action and The Three Levels of Processing
- People as Storytellers
- Blaming the Wrong Things
- Falsely Blaming Yourself
- The Seven Stages of Action: Seven Fundamental Design Principles
- 3 Knowledge in the Head and in the World
- Precise Behavior from Imprecise Knowledge
- Memory is Knowledge in the Head
- The Structure of Memory
- Approximate Modes: Memory in the Real World
- Knowledge in the Head
- The Tradeoff Between Knowledge in the World and in the Head
- Memory in Multiple Heads, Multiple Devices 善假于物
- Natural Mapping
- Culture and Design: Natural Mappings Can Vary with Culture 苹果鼠标方向例子
- 4 Knowing What to Do: Constraints, Discoverability, and Feedback
- Four Kinds of Constraints: Physical, Cultural, Semantic, and Logical
- Applying Affordances, Signifiers, and Constraints to Everyday Objects
- Constraints That Force the Design Behavior
- Conventions, Constraints, and Affordances
- The Faucet: A case History of Desgin
- Using Sound as Signifiers
- 5 Human Error? No, Bad Design
- 6 Design Thinking
- 7 Design in the World of Business
- 中文版本 [[设计心理学]]
The Design of Everyday Things
March 6, 2020