- Outline
- Introduction
- 介绍写作的普遍性和重要性,以及面临的困难:写不出来
- 当下的写作指导书籍从两个方面入手:1. 技术细节 2. 心理辅导
- 提出观点:写作不是研究、学习等的产出,而是研究的媒介
- 解决写作难题的重点是在正式写作前做的笔记(功夫在前面),Smart Notes 可以降低写作的难度,以及需要的纪律和自控
- 1 Everything You Need to Know
- Good Structure, different from making plans
- 1 Good Solutions are Simple – and Unexpected
- 使用 slip-box,改变日常 routine
- 类比 [[GTD]]
- 1.2 The Slip-box
- [[Niklas Luhmann]]
- 1.3 The slip-box manual
- 2 types
- bibliographical one, which contained the references and brief notes on the content of the literature
- and the main one in which he collected and generated his ideas, mainly in response to what he read
- 2 types
- 2 Everything You Need to Do
- 将写作的任务分解为,笔记,组织初稿,修改初稿
- 2.1 Writing a paper step by step
- Making fleeting notes
- Make literature notes
- Make permanent notes
- add your new permanent notes to the slip-box
- Develop your topics, questions and research projects bottom up from within the system.
- After a while, you will have developed ideas far enough to decide on a topic to write about.
- Turn your notes into a rough draft.
- Edit and proofread your manuscript.
- 3 Everything You Need to Have
- To have an undistracted brain to think with and a reliable collection of notes to think in is pretty much all we need
- 3.1 The Tool Box
- You need something to capture ideas whenever and wherever they pop into your head.
- reference system
- The slip-box
- The editor
- 4 A Few Things to Keep in Mind
- 正确地使用工具
- The Four Underlying Principles
- 5 Writing Is the Only Thing That Matters
- 强调写的重要性,但并不意味着其他可以忽略,只是明白写的重要性,可以改变我们做其他事情的方式
- 6 Simplicity Is Paramount
- 集装箱的发展历史
- old way taking notes similar as shipping before container
- slip-box like container
- 三类笔记
- Fleeting notes, which are only reminders of information, can be written in any kind of way and will end up in the trash within a day or two
- Permanent notes
- Project notes, which are only relevant to one particular project. They are kept within a project-specific folder and can be discarded or archived after the project is finished
- 7 Nobody Ever Starts From Scratch
- 8 Let the Work Carry You Forward
- 5 Writing Is the Only Thing That Matters
- The Six Steps to Successful Writing
- 9 Separate and Interlocking Tasks
- 9.1 Give each task your undivided attention
- 媒介让我们的注意力长度不断降低
- 9.2 Multitasking is not a good idea
- 没有人可以多任务工作
- 长期多任务工作反而会损害多任务的能力
- 心流,专注一件事情
- 9.3 Give each task the right kind of attention
- 9.4 Become an expert instead of a planner
- 9.5 Get closure
- 9.6 Reduce the number of decisions
- 9.1 Give each task your undivided attention
- 10 Read for Understanding
- 10.1 Read with a pen in hand
- 10.2 Keep an open mind
- 10.3 Get the gist
- 10.4 Learn to read
- 10.5 Learn by reading
- 11 Take Smart Notes
- 11.1 Make a career one note at a time
- 11.2 Think outside the brain
- 11.3 learn by not trying
- 11.4 Adding permanent notes to the slip-box
- 12 Develop Ideas
- 12.1 Develop topics
- 12.2 Make smart connections
- 12.3 Compare, Correct and differentiate
- 12.4 Assemble a toolbox for thinking
- 12.5 Use the Slip-Box as a creativity machine
- 12.6 Think inside the box
- 12.7 Facilitate creativity through restrictions
- 13 Share Your Insight
- 13.1 From brainstorming to Slip-Box-Storming
- 13.2 From top down to bottom up
- 13.3 Getting things done by following your interests
- 13.4 Finishing and review
- 13.5 Becoming an expert by giving up planning
- 13.6 The actual writing
- 14 Make It a Habit
- 9 Separate and Interlocking Tasks
- Afterword
- Bibliography
- Index
- Introduction
- Related
- https://twitter.com/coolXiao/status/1254328245048078338?s=20
- [[How to Take Smart Notes: A Step-by-Step Guide]]
- 《会记笔记就会写作》完全版-上 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eNpb7fOLk0ULamV-DYCZTQ (感觉就是中文翻译版本了)