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using travis to automatic build pages and sync to Amazon S3

  1. Register Travis https://travis-ci.org/

  2. add .tavis.yml first, there is no need to get the file completed at this time

     language: python
         - "2.7"
         - sudo pip install pelican
         - sudo pip install markdown
         - sudo pip install s3cmd
         - mkdir output
         - pelican content
  3. git push to test if the travis build is successful

  4. sync to Amazon S3 first, you should encrypt privacy information by using travis cli gem install travis, or you can use travis api, which I chosed for the ruby environment really sucks.

     curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2+json" https://api.travis-ci.org/repos/<github-id/repo>/key | python2 -m json.tool | grep key | sed 's/.*"key": "\(.*\)"/\1/' | xargs -0 echo -en | sed 's/ RSA//' > travis.pem
     # note: <github-id/repo> no '<>'
     # note: this cli command fails in my test, but you can do it by hand, plz see ref[1] for more detail . anyway, you should get the right public key, travis.pem.

then, you can encrypt your privacy info.

    echo -n 'ACCESS_KEY=blah SECRET_KEY=blah' | openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey travis.pem | base64 -w0
    # you will get a long base64 string
    # note: no % at the end

last, add the base64 string .travis.yml, and access it by $ACCESS_KEY. see the following finished .tavis.yml file.

    language: python
        - "2.7"
        - secure:'blahblah'
        - sudo apt-get update
        - sudo pip install pelican
        - sudo pip install markdown
        - sudo pip install s3cmd
        - pelican content
        - s3cmd sync output/ s3://www.wogong.net --acl-public --delete-removed --guess-mime-type --access_key=$ACCESS_KEY --secret_key=$SECRET_KEY
  1. git push, see if the build is successful


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