数字生活 2015

数字生活 2015

information repo #

  1. gmail
  2. google drive: powerful search。
  3. evernote
  4. pinboard
  5. instapaper (new to Pinboard; likes to Pinboard)
  6. wiki+blog+life+items+farbox
  7. Twitter (backup in Pinboard & Twitter archive)
  8. Weibo (Kindle bot to Twitter)
  9. iPhone Photos (Google+ Photos)
  10. Calibre Libary
  11. Wechat Public Account (Dogear.cn to Feedly to Pinboard)
  12. Nike+ running
  13. Google Photos

site #

  1. www.wogong.net blog
  2. twitter.wogong.net URL 转发,利用Google Drive 进行托管,自动更新
  3. log.wogong.net FarBox
  4. [vps name].wogong.net 下载

proxy #

  1. vpnso (@cosbeta) ss+vpn+apnp
  2. <vnet.link> AC+PAC
  3. EDU Tsinghua
    • VPN 只可以浏览校内资源
    • eproxy2 可以下载各种文献

input #

  1. 现实 书籍、讲座、课堂、聊天、新闻
  2. 网络
    • RSS - feedly + press
    • 豆瓣, V2EX
    • qzone, weibo, wechat
    • BBS
    • youtube youku bili
    • zhihu quora
    • hacker news
  3. 其他 各种资料、视频

sync & backup #

  1. PC
    • Documents + Music + Pictures 定期备份至移动硬盘 rsync
    • BTSync 备份 (MAIN)
    • Dropbox 本地IM记录
    • TrueCript 储存本地敏感资料,照片,文档
    • User Dir: vim/snippet
  2. network information
    • Twitter tweets; nike+ share; ifttt-douban; ifttt-blog; ifttt-weibo(kindle highlights) ==> archive to google drive
    • Facebook nike+ share
    • Weibo kindle highlights
    • Douban favorite ==> ifttt(feedburner to RSS) to Twitter
    • Wechat moments

security #

  1. keepass
    • minikeepass iOS
    • kpcli linux
    1. 1password 数据存储在本地,有手机客户端
    2. lastpass 数据存储在服务器
    3. Keepass
    4. Enpass
  2. 2-step
    • Dropbox
    • Microsoft
    • Evernote
    • Github
    • Google
  3. AppleID 2-step verification

Domain & DNS #

  • wogong.net godaddy dnsimple
  • chengzhen.me namecheap dnsimple
  • CDN upyun

cafe #

  1. toolbox in Baidu and jp.wogong.net
    • putty
    • Caps2Ctrl
    • ss
  2. 迅雷离线+百度网盘